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Korin Ginsan-ko Deba

Product Description

Korin Ginsan-ko Deba 7.0" (18cm) - The Ginsan-ko embodies a new concept in Japanese knife making. A stain-resistant steel core is encased in a soft iron jacket to which 13% chromium has been added. Traditional methods of craftsmanship are combined with modern metallurgical advances to produce a true Japanese knife that has both an exacting sharpness as well as strong rust-resistance. The Deba is often used in the Japanese fish markets and restaurants that work with whole fish, because it is designed to behead and fillet fish without damaging the fish. Although many use the deba on other meats, the deba is not intended for chopping of large diameter bones nor should it be used by slamming down the knife like a cleaver. For the best results, please put pressure on the spine of the knife to put clean and precise cuts. Originated in Kansai (Osaka) region of Japan.

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